Provider Screening
At Glamwork, we verify that our providers have valid and up to date licenses to practice their craft. Whether their craft be barbering, hair styling or nails, we screen everyone. This is done every year to ensure safety.
Background check:
- Providers are required to submit an application
- Providers are required to submit valid photo ID/DL
- Providers are required to submit license provided by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
- Providers are required to submit portfolio detailing their service list and photo gallery of work.
- Providers are required to submit proof of residence.
Identity fraud is prohibited and unlawful:
- Providers are required to submit a photograph of themselves initially to verify identity with ID/DL attached to application during the background check. This is also done periodically to ensure the same provider matches the identification we have on-file. This ensures the safety of clients that are being serviced by the right provider.
Provider responsiblity:
- Providers are required to follow all of Glamwork's Guidelines.